LAUC-SB Bylaws

LAUC-SB Bylaws, Revised June 2018 (PDF)


Article I: Name and Authority | Article II: Duties and Responsibilities | Article III: The Membership | Article IV: The Officers | Article V: The Executive Board | Article VI: The Standing Committees | Article VII: The Ad Hoc Committees | Article VIII: The Membership Meetings | Article IX: The Elections | Article X: Parliamentary Authority | Article XI: The LAUC-SB Archives |Article XII: Amendments

Article I. Name and Authority

The Librarians Association of the University of California, Santa Barbara (LAUC-SB) is established by authority of the University President as a division of the Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC). The division, as an official unit of LAUC, exists to achieve the objectives set forth in Article II.

Article II. Duties and Responsibilities

Section 1

LAUC-SB is authorized to serve in an advisory capacity to the University on professional governance matters of concern to all librarians.

Section 2

LAUC-SB shall advise the campus administration, the library administration, and the office of the President (through statewide LAUC) on the operations and policies of the libraries.

Section 3

LAUC-SB shall advise the campus administration, the library administration, and the office of the President (through statewide LAUC) on professional standards, rights, privileges, and obligations of members of the librarian series at UCSB.

Section 4

LAUC-SB shall advise the campus administration, the library administration, and the office of the President (through statewide LAUC) on the planning, evaluation, and implementation of programs, services, or technological changes in the UCSB Library or the University libraries.

Section 5

LAUC-SB shall not advise the Library administration, the campus administration or the Office of the President with respect to matters covered by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or otherwise subject to negotiation between the University and an exclusive bargaining agent.

Section 6

LAUC-SB shall maintain communication with librarians of other campuses of the University and participate in the activities of LAUC statewide.

Article III. The Membership

Section 1

a. The membership of this organization shall consist of all persons in the University of California, Santa Barbara holding appointment at half-time or more in the librarian series, or in any one of the following titles: Associate University Librarian, Assistant University Librarian or in the same series or titles in an acting capacity.

b. Each University Librarian or the same in acting capacity.

Section 2

All members shall be eligible to vote in divisional or university-wide elections, to hold divisional or university-wide office, to serve on divisional or university-wide committees, and to serve as representatives to the Assembly.

Section 3

Persons employed as librarians at UCSB in less than half-time appointments and retired LAUC members shall have affiliated membership. Affiliate members may attend and participate in general meetings, but may not make motions, nominate candidates, become officers, serve on committees, be eligible for research or professional development funds, or vote. LAUC-SB has the option to extend membership of the affiliate category via Bylaws.

Article IV. The Officers

Section 1

The officers of LAUC-SB shall be the Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Past Chair.

Section 2

The terms of office shall be one year, commencing 1 September.

Section 3

In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall serve as Chair for the remainder of the term under the following provisions:

a. If the vacancy in the office of Chair occurs on or before 30 November, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall serve as Chair until the expiration of the term, 31 August. For the next term, commencing 1 September, special or regular elections shall be held for the positions of Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Secretary.

b. If the vacancy in the office of Chair occurs on or after 1 December, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall serve as Chair for the remainder of the term and shall succeed himself/herself for the next term commencing 1 September. Regular elections under these circumstances shall be held for the positions of Chair-Elect and Secretary only.

c. Regardless of when a vacancy occurs in the office of Chair, a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect pro tem shall be appointed from the membership of LAUC-SB for the remainder of the term by the new Chair.

Section 4

In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect or Secretary, a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect pro tem or Secretary pro tem shall be appointed from the membership of LAUC-SB for the remainder of the term by the Chair.

Section 5

The appointment of a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect pro tem or a Secretary pro tem becomes effective as soon as it has been confirmed by a simple majority of the Executive Board, and the new officer(s) have been notified in writing.

a. The officer pro tem serves until the end of the term on 31 August.

b. In the case of a vacant office of the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, a Chair shall be elected at the next regular election or at a special election, for the term commencing 1 September. (See Article IX, Section 8).

Section 6

The duties of the Chair shall be as follows:

a. To represent LAUC-SB in all deliberations of the Executive Board and, together with other Divisional delegates, in deliberations of the Assembly; and report the deliberations of the Executive Board and the Assembly to LAUC-SB.

b. To represent and speak for LAUC-SB in its relationships with the UCSB Library administration and any other organizations or agencies, as appropriate.

c. To determine the will of the membership and act in accordance with that will.

d. To expedite LAUC business in a manner consistent with the best interests of the membership.

e. To meet regularly with the University Librarian and/or appropriate administrative groups to identify matters of concern to LAUC-SB.

f. To preside over the meetings of the LAUC-SB Executive Board, and general membership meetings.

g. To bring to the attention of the LAUC-SB Executive Board any matters which require a response or which may be of concern to LAUC-SB.

h. To report to the membership regularly on matters of local concern.

Section 7

The duties of the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall be as follows:

a. To assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or incapacity.

b. To serve as a member of the Executive Board.

c. To serve as a representative of LAUC-SB at the statewide Assembly.

d. To chair the Nominating Committee.

e. To perform such other duties as are assigned by the LAUC-SB Executive Board.

Section 8

The duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:

a. To compile agendas and take minutes for meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership meetings.

b. To conduct the LAUC-SB elections.

c. To maintain appropriate divisional records and official LAUC-SB website.

d. To handle correspondence and publicity for LAUC-SB as directed by the Chair, and to post distribute minutes of LAUC-SB meetings, Executive Board minutes, minutes of the LAUC Assemblies, and other communications on the LAUC-SB website, as appropriate.

e. To transmit copies of divisional minutes and to report results of LAUC-SB elections and changes in offices or delegates during the year to the statewide LAUC Secretary.

f. To serve as a representative of LAUC-SB at the statewide Assembly.

g. To perform other tasks as assigned by the LAUC-SB Executive Board.

Section 9

The duties of the Past Chair shall be as follows:

a. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.

b. To deposit copies of all appropriate materials from their term as Chair into the LAUC-SB archives by 31 December.

c. Serve in such other ways as may be requested by the LAUC-SB Chair.

Section 10

An officer may be removed from office for valid cause (see the current edition of Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure) by means of the following procedure:

a. A petition requesting removal of an officer which is signed by at least ten percent of the members of LAUC-SB shall be addressed and transmitted to a member of the Executive Board other than the accused officer. The petition must specify the cause(s) justifying removal, and copies of the text must be distributed to all members of the Executive Board, including the officer in question.

b. The member of the Executive Board addressed in the petition shall call a meeting of the membership within 45 days, at which the complainants and the accused officer are both given the opportunity to present their cases. This hearing shall be announced to the general membership and shall be open to any member who wishes to observe. Quorum for the hearing shall consist of two-thirds of the membership. The accused officer shall not be counted among the voting members present for the purposes of making quorum.

c. A two-thirds vote of the membership (less the officer in question) shall be required in order to remove the officer. The vote shall be by secret ballot of those members present at the meeting.

d. The vote shall be completed and announced to the general membership no later than two weeks following the hearing.

Article V. The Executive Board

Section 1

The Executive Board shall consist of the Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, the Secretary, the immediate Past Chair of LAUC-SB, the Chair of the Committee on Advancement and Promotion (CAP), the Chair of the Committee on Appointment, Assignments and Reassignments (CAAR) and the Chair of the Research and Professional Development Committee (RPD).

Section 2

The Executive Board shall advise the chair and other appropriate agencies as to the will of the membership.

Section 3

Within the framework of the LAUC and LAUC-SB Bylaws, the Executive Board shall organize and direct the activities of LAUC-SB. To carry out these functions, the Executive Board shall:

a. Determine the need for action.

b. Establish a priority list for action.

c. Determine the appropriate course of action.

d. Assign specific written charges to the Executive Board, a standing committee, an ad hoc committee or to the LAUC-SB membership as appropriate.

e. Assess the response to the specific charges, make recommendations, and seek ratification of those recommendations by the LAUC-SB membership.

f. Transmit ratified recommendations to the appropriate agencies as the advice and position of LAUC-SB.

Section 4

The Executive Board shall establish ad hoc committees, appoint their chairs, assign written charges and specify reporting requirements.

Section 5

The Executive Board shall ratify LAUC-SB committee membership nominees submitted by the chairs of LAUC-SB standing or ad hoc committees, with the exception of the confidential advisory committees appointed by the library administration from LAUC-SB slates.

Section 6

The Executive Board shall provide or approve slates of nominees for service on ad hoc or standing administrative committees, except as prohibited in Section 5 of this article. The Executive Board shall specify the appropriate reporting status and relationship of such nominees to the Executive Board and the membership of LAUC-SB.

Section 7

The Executive Board shall appoint or nominate members to LAUC statewide committees, as appropriate.

Section 8

The Executive Board shall perform such other duties, consisting with the Bylaws, as the membership shall direct.

Article VI. The Standing Committees

Section 1. General Provisions

a. The terms of office for elected positions of standing committees shall be one year beginning 1 September, with the exception of positions on the Research and Professional Development Committee, whose terms begin 1 July. Vacancies are filled using the same procedures found in Article IV, Sections 3-5 of the Bylaws.

b. Standing committees shall submit to the LAUC-SB members via the Executive Board, annual reports outlining their activities.

c. The Chairs of standing committees may, at their discretion, create subcommittees to handle specific charges which have grown out of the general charge. A subcommittee shall report its findings and make recommendations to the chair of the standing committee.

d. LAUC-SB committees concerned with matters of more than local interest shall send copies of all substantive reports to the Chair of the related LAUC committee and to the President

Section 2. The Committee on Advancement and Promotion (CAP)

a. The Committee on Advancement and Promotion shall consist of an elected Chair, an elected Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and four elected Members-at-Large. Each of the members serves a two-year term. Members-at-Large are referred to Junior (first year) and Senior (second year). The Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect must have career status. Members-at-Large must have career status or potential career status and, in addition, must have successfully completed at least one academic review cycle. No member of CAP may serve for two consecutive full terms. Three members of CAP constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not available, a member of the previous year’s CAP shall serve as alternate, in the following order: (1) a Senior Member-at-Large, (2) Chair.

b. The CAP fulfills the mandate of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM) for a personnel committee to advise the Chancellor or designee on all merit increases, promotions and career status actions for members of the librarian series. It is a professional responsibility of each member of the librarian series to serve on CAP.  Specific functions of CAP shall be as follows:

1) for each candidate in any one review cycle, to submit a comprehensive report and recommendation for action.

2) to advise the LAUC-SB Executive Board on the implementation and interpretation of pertinent sections of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM) and to advise appropriate administrative bodies on established APM policy and procedure.

3) to participate in the continuing development of those performance standards for promotion and review which implement the applicable criteria in the APM.

4) when the University Librarian has determined the need for an ad hoc review committee, to submit a slate of three nominees and three alternates for the committee.

5) to address the application of performance standards in evaluations for promotion and merit review.

6) to prepare an annual, analytical report on the review process for distribution via the Executive Board to LAUC-SB members.

7) to submit review statistics via the Executive Board to the membership of LAUC-SB and to LAUC.

8) to advise on career development programs and participate in the organization and promotion of such programs.

Section 3. Committee on Appointments, Assignments and Reassignments (CAAR)

a. The Committee on Appointments, Assignments and Reassignments shall consist of an elected Chair, an elected Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and sufficient members, as confirmed by the Executive Board, to conduct the business of CAAR.

b. The CAAR fulfills the mandate of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM) for a personnel committee to advise the Chancellor or designee on the appointment of persons to the librarian series at UCSB. The specific functions of CAAR in this regard shall be as follows:

1) to advise the LAUC-SB Executive Board and appropriate administrative bodies on appointments of librarians, or on matters relating to substantial changes in their assignments as they pertain to the programmatic needs of the library.

2) to select a member of CAAR to serve as a participant in planning conferences on appointments.

3) to select a member of CAAR to advise administrative bodies on an assignment or reassignment action, when appropriate.

4) to review and recommend changes in appointment or assignment and reassignment principles, policies and processes.

5) to provide general direction for ad hoc Appointment Committees and to nominate a slate for each of these committees as well as one CAAR member to serve as Chair of each of these committees.

6) to prepare an annual analytical report on the appointment, assignment and reassignment process for distribution, via the Executive Board, to LAUC-SB members.

c. The CAAR shall perform other duties and tasks as assigned by the LAUC-SB Executive Board.

Section 4. Research and Professional Development Committee (RPD)

a. The Research and Professional Development Committee shall consist of an elected Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, an elected Chair and sufficient members, as confirmed by the Executive Board, to conduct the business of the Committee on Professional Development. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect assumes the position on 1 July, following the election in June, and shall succeed to the office of Chair in the second year of a two-year term. The terms of committee members will begin on 1 July. In addition, the LAUC-SB representative to the statewide Research and Professional Development Committee is a member of this committee, serving according to the statewide terms of office.

b. The RPD fulfills the mandate of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM) for a committee to advise the Chancellor or designee in research and professional development matters for members of the librarian series. Specific functions of the RPD in this regard shall be as follows:

1) to solicit and review research proposals submitted to the University-wide Research Grants for Librarians Program by LAUC-SB members and recommend funding of proposals to the Office of the President.

2) to monitor and approve disbursement of all funds for research and travel.

3) to advise the LAUC-SB Executive Board on matters relating to professional development.

4) to evaluate the UCSB Library professional development program, including an annual review of the program’s goals, criteria, policies and procedures.

5) to disseminate information to the membership regarding research and travel activities.

6) to advise LAUC-SB members in the preparation of research proposals as needed.

Article VII. The Ad Hoc Committees

Section 1

The term of service for Chairs of ad hoc committees and committee members shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2

The duties of ad hoc committee Chairs shall be as follows:

a. To carry out the written charges as assigned by the Executive Board concerning matters outside the purview of the standing committees.

b. To participate in the discussions of the Executive Board as they pertain to the charges of the ad hoc committees.

c. To report on the results of committee work, in keeping with the written charges to the committee. When an ad hoc committee has been concerned with matters of more than local interest, the Chair shall send copies of all substantive reports to the Chair of the related statewide LAUC committee and to the LAUC president.

Article VIII. The Membership Meetings

Section 1

The LAUC-SB membership meets at the call of the Executive Board or upon written request to the Executive Board by at least five members of LAUC-SB. Information about and agendas for meetings shall be distributed to the membership in advance.

Section 2

The Chair presides at membership meetings. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect presides. The Secretary serves as Chair in the absence of both the Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect.

Section 3

One-third of the membership is a quorum.

Section 4

The current edition of Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure governs this organization in all parliamentary situations not provided for in its Bylaws or adopted rules.

Article IX. The Elections

Section 1

LAUC-SB elections shall be held annually during the month of June.

Section 2

All LAUC-SB members shall be eligible to vote and to hold office within this division.

Section 3

The nominating committee shall consist of the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, who shall chair the committee, and three members appointed no later than thirty days prior to the election by the Executive Board.

Section 4

The nominating committee shall nominate candidates for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect of CAAR and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect of RPD. In addition, two candidates for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect of CAP shall be nominated by CAP, and three candidates for Member-at Large of CAP shall be nominated by the Executive Board.

Section 5

The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall submit the slate of nominees to the LAUC-SB membership at a general meeting held not later than two weeks before the elections.

Section 6

Upon presentation of the slate of nominees, LAUC-SB members may nominate additional candidates for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect of CAAR, and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect of RPD.

Section 7

The Secretary, LAUC-SB, shall confirm the consent of the nominees to be candidates for LAUC-SB office; shall prepare a ballot to include statewide as well as local candidates for office and distribute the ballot to members at least fourteen days prior to the stated deadline for voting; shall count returned ballots in the presence of two witnesses; and shall inform the membership of the results within ten calendar days following the stated deadline for voting.

Section 8

In the event of vacancies in elected offices, special elections shall be held in accordance with Article IV, Section 3-5.

a. The same procedures and rules shall be applied in the event of a vacancy in the position of CAAR Chair, CAAR Vice-Chair/Chair Elect, RPD Chair or RPD Vice-Chair/Chair Elect.

b. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair of CAP, a Senior Member-at-Large shall serve as Chair for the remainder of the term. The LAUC-SB Executive Board shall select a senior Member-at-Large who has career status who will serve the remainder of the term.

c. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-Chair of CAP that occurs at the beginning of the term, 1 September or up to the LAUC-SB elections in June, the other candidate for this office in the immediately preceding election shall serve as Vice-Chair for the remainder of the term and shall serve as Chair the following year.

d. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-Chair of CAP that occurs after the LAUC-SB elections in June but prior to assuming the role of Chair in the new term (1 September), a Junior Member-at-Large shall serve as Vice-Chair for the remainder of the current term and Chair in the new term. The LAUC-SB Board shall select a Junior Member-at-Large who has career status who will serve the remainder of the term. A special election shall be held in accordance with Article IX section 10, if the vacated position of CAP Chair or CAP Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect cannot be filled with a person with career status.

e. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Junior Member-at-Large of CAP, a candidate for this office in the immediately preceding election shall serve as Junior Member-at-Large for the remainder of the term and shall serve as Senior Member-at-Large the following year. The LAUC-SB Executive Board shall select a Junior Member-at-Large from the candidates for this office in the immediately preceding election.

Section 9

If a vacancy in the office of the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect occurs after the regular nominating and election sequence has begun, there shall be a special election for the office of Chair for the term commencing the next 1 September. (See Article IX, Section 10 and Article IV, Section 4).

a. This shall not preclude the appointment of a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect pro tem. (See Article IV, Section 4.)

b. The procedure for carrying out the special election shall be the same as specified in Article IX, Section 3. Should the results of this special election not be known until after the new term commences (1 September), the newly elected Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall serve as Chair pro tem until the new Chair takes office. The new Chair takes office as soon as he or she is notified of his or her election.

Section 10

The dates for special or tie-breaking elections shall be determined by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Board, and shall be as soon as practicable following the event that necessitates such an election.

Article X. Parliamentary Authority

The current edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure governs LAUC-SB in all parliamentary situations that are not provided for in its Bylaws or adopted rules.

Article XI. The LAUC-SB Archives

Section 1

The LAUC-SB archives shall be maintained by the department of Special Research Collections at the UC Santa Barbara Library. Decisions regarding preservation and storage are the responsibility of that unit.

Section 2

LAUC-SB materials, including but not limited to, committee reports, officer reports, committee charges and rosters, member rosters, agendas and minutes of the executive committee and general membership meetings, shall be archived annually.

Section 3

The Past Chair shall deposit copies of all appropriate materials from their term as chair into the archives. The deadline for these deposits is 31 December.

Section 4

Should LAUC-SB receive a donation of LAUC-SB documents, the past chair shall be responsible for sorting this collection, depositing material which may be lacking, and discarding duplicate material.

Article XII. Amendments

Section 1

These Bylaws may be amended or modified at any meeting of the membership or by a mail ballot vote from the membership, provided the amendment or modification has been 1) reviewed and approved by the LAUC-SB Executive Board, 2) reviewed and approved by the LAUC Committee on Professional Governance to assure that they are in accord with statewide LAUC bylaws, and 3) copies of the amendment or modification have been distributed to the membership at least seven calendar days prior to the vote.

Section 2

An amendment or modification of Division Bylaws shall be considered ratified if approved by a majority of the valid votes cast.

Section 3

All proposed changes presented to the Executive Board shall be accompanied by a statement of the purpose and effect of the proposal, including the text of any change.

Revised March 2018
Approved by LAUC-SB June 2018