**Locations and call numbers provided are for the UCSB Library, University of California, Santa Barbara.**
Achinstein, Betty and Athanases, Steven Z., eds. Mentors in the making: developing new leaders for new teachers. New York: Teachers College Press, 2006.
Main Library LB1731.4 .M475 2006
Alderman, Belle Y. A model for work-based learning. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2005.
Main Library LC1049 .A53 2005
Allen, Dwight William. Collaborative peer coaching that improves instruction: the 2+2 performance appraisal model. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2005.
Main Library LB1731.4 .A44 2005
Barkley, Stephen G. Quality teaching in a culture of coaching. Lanham, Md.: ScarecrowEducation, 2005.
Main Library LB1731 .B274 2005
Bartell, Carol A. Cultivating high-quality teaching through induction and mentoring. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2005.
Main Library LB1731 .B28 2005
Bey, Theresa M. and Holmes, C. Thomas, eds. Mentoring: contemporary principles and issues. Reston, Virginia: Association of Teacher Educators, 1992.
Main Library LB1731.4 .M47 1992
Bey, Theresa M. and Holmes, C. Thomas, eds. Mentoring: developing successful new teachers. Reston, Virginia: Association of Teacher Educators, 1990.
Main Library LB1731 .M47 1990
Conway, Christopher. Strategies for mentoring: a blueprint for successful organizational development. Chichester, West Sussex, England; New York: John Wiley, 1998.
Main Library HF5385 .C66 1998
Coughlin, Linda, Wingard, Ellen, and Hollihan, Keith, editors. Enlightened power: how women are transforming the practice of leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005.
Main Library HD57.7 .E55 2005
Daresh, John C. Leaders helping leaders: a practical guide to administrative mentoring. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2001.
Main Library LB1731.4 .D37 2001
Darley, John M., Zanna, Mark P., and Roediger, Henry L., III, eds. The complete academic: a career guide. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004.
Main Library H62 .C584824 2004
Duff, Carolyn S. Learning from other women: how to benefit from the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of female mentors. New York: AMACOM, 1999.
Women’s Studies HD6054.2 .U6D84 1999
Duin, Ann Hill. Partnering in the learning marketspace. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
Main Library LB1044.87 .D86 2001
Gregory, Gwen Meyer, ed. The successful academic librarian: winning strategies from library leaders. Medford, N.J.: Information Today, Inc., 2005.
Main Library Z682.4.C63 S84 2005
Hicks, Cathy D., Glasgow, Neal A., and McNary, Sarah J. What successful mentors do: 81 research-based strategies for new teacher induction, training, and support. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2005.
Main Library LB1731.4 .H53 2005
Holliday, Micki, ed. Coaching, mentoring and managing: a coach guidebook. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2001. (electronic bk.)
netLibrary eBook [UCSB access only]
Kram, Kathy E. Mentoring at work: developmental relationships in organizational life. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman, 1985.
Main Library HF5386 .K78 1985
Metz, Ruth F. Coaching in the library: a management strategy for achieving excellence. Chicago: American Library Association, 2001.
Main Library Z682.2.U5 M48 2001
Mullen, Carol A. Mentorship primer. New York: P. Lang, 2005.
Main Library LB1731.4 .M84 2005
Murray, Margo. Beyond the myths and magic of mentoring: how to facilitate an effective mentoring process. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. (electronic bk.)
netLibrary eBook [UCSB access only]
Murrell, Audrey J., Crosby, Faye J., and Ely, Robin J. Mentoring dilemmas: developmental relationships within multicultural organizations. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1999.
Main Library HF5385 .M87 1998
Neely, Teresa Y., and Abif, Khafre K., eds. In our own voices: the changing face of librarianship. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 1996.
Main Library Z782.2.U5 I5 1996
Portner, Hal. Being mentored: a guide for proteges. Thousand Oaks, CA.: Corwin Press, 2002.
Main Library LB1731.4 .P65 2002
Sheldon, Brooke E. Leaders in libraries: styles and strategies for success.
Chicago: American Library Association, 1991.
Main Library Z682.4 A34 S49 1991
Stone, Randi. Best practices for teacher leadership: what award-winning teachers do for their professional learning communities. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2006.
Main Library LB1025.3 .S755 2006
Trotta, Marcia. Supervising staff: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians.
New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2006.
Main Library Z682 .T76 2006
Udelhofen, Susan and Larson, Kathy. The mentoring year: a step-by-step program for professional development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2003.
Main Library LB1731.4 .U34 2003
Welch, Lynne B., ed. Women in higher education: changes and challenges. New York: Praeger, 1990.
Main Library LB2332.3 .W67 1990
Whitmell, Vicki, ed. Staff planning in a time of demographic change. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2005.
Main Library Z682.35.M35 S73 2005
Young, Paul G., Sheets, Jeromey M., and Knight, Dustin D. Mentoring principals: frameworks, agendas, tips, and case stories for mentors and mentees.Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2005.
Main Library LB2831.9 .Y68 2005
Zachary, Lois J. The mentor’s guide: facilitating effective learning relationships. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000.
Main Library LB1731.4 .Z23 2000