Research Guidelines


LAUC-SB members may use their allocated RPD funds at their discretion for research and professional development. 


Librarians who wish to use part or all of their RPD funds for research should submit a brief written proposal and budget to the LAUC-SB RPD Committee. In reviewing proposals for research funding, the committee may suggest modifications or request additional information.

  • Proposals should include the following information as appropriate:
  • Nature and purpose of the project, including the need for research
  • Methodology
  • Budget
  • Projected timetable
  • Justification for any release time if requested
    • Note: Granted release time may be with or without pay, read more below
  • Expected outcome (webpage, article, poster session, etc.)
  • Other supporting documentation

Proposals involving release time or travel must also include a Request for Travel form signed by their supervisor.

Release Time

If the proposed research is determined to be relevant to the individual’s duties and professional development, of direct relevance to the functioning of the library, and in the best interests of the University, then paid release time may be approved if funding is available. Unpaid release time may be granted if the proposed research is determined to not meet the above criteria. For more information please see APM 360-20.h. Individuals may also use vacation leave if other paid release time is not approved.

Note that requests for leave for represented librarians are also governed with preeminence by the current UC/UCAFT Unit 17 MOU (Articles 3 and 19).


The purpose of LAUC-SB research funding is to encourage and support research and similar creative activity by UCSB librarians. Research funds may be used for initial development of projects that may become suitable for statewide funding at a later stage. With reasonable individual discretion, projects may focus on libraries, information science, or a subject specialty outside of library science for which the applicant is well qualified. In general, proposals will be evaluated for their potential impact on library services or their contribution to a scholarly subject area. Other factors to be considered include the clarity of the proposal, demonstrated need for research, and appropriateness of the methodology, as well as the qualifications of the applicant to see the project to successful completion (relevant background, training, experience).

Administrative funds may be a more appropriate source of support for projects that directly impact or contribute to UCSB Library services. The committee will alert applicants in such cases and suggest how they might redirect their funding requests.


Each proposal may only request funds from a single fiscal year, and the funds must be expended in the effective year.

Applicants may submit proposals at any time in the fiscal year for expenditure of funds in either the current or the following FY. However, the RPD Committee may reject a proposal for expenditure in the current year if it determines that there is not a reasonable expectation that funds will actually be expended (e.g., if there is little time left in the current year), in which case the committee may recommend that the proposal be submitted for the following year.

Proposals for expenditure in the following FY are always subject to the availability of funds.

Research funds not expended in the year for which they were approved revert to the RPD funds monitored by LAUC-SB. In this case, a new proposal must be submitted if the applicant wishes to expend funds in the next fiscal year. An exception requesting a rollover to the next fiscal year of any non-expended funds may be requested and approved on a one-time non-precedent setting basis. 


Successful applicants will be asked to submit a brief report on their project to the RPD Committee by the end of the fiscal year for which research funds were approved.

If you have any questions about LAUC-SB research funding, please contact the current RPD chair.