Welcome to the UCSB Library and to the Librarians Association of the University of California, Santa Barbara chapter. Use this page to find information about the library, about LAUC-SB, the Santa Barbara campus and the UC system. Also here, you’ll find links to information about developing your career. Also, be sure to let us know if you can’t find what you expected to find on this page–it’s here for your use! Again, welcome to UCSB!
- UCSB Library Orientation and Organization
- LAUC-SB Organization
- LAUC Statewide Organization
- Campus Orientation
- UC System Orientation
- Developing Your Career
UCSB Library Orientation and Organization
- About the UCSB Library
- Crossroads e-Newsletter
- Directories: Finding People, Departments, and Committees
- Library Services
- Library Speak: Acronym Cheat Sheet
LAUC-SB Organization
- LAUC-SB Committees
- MOU (Professional Librarian Unit Memorandum of Understanding)
- Academic Review Procedures
- Appointment Procedures
- Librarians’ Salary Scales
LAUC Statewide Organization
Campus Orientation
- Academic Senate
- Administrative Services
Includes links to Parking Services, Campus Police, Human Resources, Facilities Management, Environmental Health and Safety, the Faculty Club, University Center, and more. - Campus Calendar of Events
- Campus Housing (including Faculty and Staff Housing options)
- Campus Maps and Visitor Information
- Recreation Center
- Transportation and Parking Services
- Search for Faculty and Staff (Campus Phone and E-Mail Directories)
- Human Resources
Includes links to the Job Site, Personnel Policies, and Forms - UC Santa Barbara Home Page
UC System Orientation
- Academic Personnel Manual
- Library Speak: Acronym Cheat Sheet
- About UC Libraries (Systemwide Advisory Structure, Vision and Priorities, Initiatives, Facts and Figures)
- UCPath (Payroll, Academic Personel, Timekeeping, Human Resources) )
- UC Office of the President (UCOP)
- Institutional Research and Academic Planning
Campus and Local News Sources
- The Bottom Line (UCSB student-run, student-funded newspaper)
- The Daily Nexus (UCSB student-run newspaper)
- edhat santa barbara
- KCSB (UCSB radio station)
- Santa Barbara Independent